
Monday, September 24, 2012

Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall

Hair falls due to genetic reasons stress pollution thyroid imbalance chemicals in hair styling products and lack of proper nutrition. Home remedies are natural and without any side effects. Some of the home remedies for treating hair fall are
Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall
1.Apply the white of a raw egg on the hair for 30 minutes and then wash it off with a shampoo. A mixture of lemon juice and egg white could also be used to strengthen the roots of hair.
2. Massage the head with oil for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with a shampoo. A hot oil massage with olive oil will also help.
3.Apply a mixture of lemon juice and juice of amla to the scalp. This also helps control dandruff in the hair
4. Boil neem leaves in water for an hour and let it cool. Wash the hair with this water. Alternately neem oil can be mixed with coconut oil and massaged where there is hair fall
5. The juice of fresh coriander can be massaged onto the scalp will reduce hair loss.
6. Ensure that you eat nutritious food with plenty of leafy vegetables. Have a soya milk drink and multivitamin tablets if you do not have time to have a healthy breakfast.
7. Apply conditioner only to your hair not to the scalp or hair roots. The conditioner could damage your hair. Henna mehandi will help control hair loss.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How To Lose Face Fat

Here is a fact that you should take note of. What do you look at first when you meet somebody? You look at their face first right? For example you meet up with old friends, colleagues, your neighbor or new friends, most of the time you will focus your attention on their faces first.

The point is that the face is very important and that is also why so many people are looking for ways to lose face fat. Any weight loss will show on the face first and when people look at your face, they will straight away notice changes. Plus, influences from the media and the entertaining world also create an impact on how a pretty face should look like. If you just would flip through the magazines, the faces of the models are all very slim and well defined with sharp nose and a lean face.
Well, since so many people is looking for the answer to lose fat in their faces, here is a couple of tips on how to lose face fat. Before we move on to that, lets understand that there is no such thing a spot reduction. This means that if you are looking at a miracle pill or gadget that can get your cheeks down, you will be disappointed.

If you want to lose face fat, you have to begin with losing weight. This means losing excess water retention and also losing body fat. Usually, when a person loses weight, it is very noticeable that his face also gets sharper and leaner. Usually the face will slim down first because excess water is gone. Follow these simple steps to lose weight and you will get a lean, healthy and toned face.

Lose Face Fat Step 1: Drink lots of water

You have to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Drink at least nine 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Drink more than that if you are an active person and always exposed to the sun. The thing is our body has a natural protective system. When you do not drink enough water, the body will naturally think that you are stranded in a dessert and have not enough water. As a result, it will store as much water as it can to keep you living and there is when you will get bloated. Vice versa, if you drink enough water, the body will flush out all the unnecessary water because it knows that the system has enough water. Stick to plain water. Sodas and sugared drink would not help because they contain sugar and will lead to bloating too.

Lose Face Fat Step 2: Do not forget your fruits and vegetables!

Stay natural and eat at least three servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables every day. This will not only fill you up with less calories and help you stay way from junk food, fruits and vegetables also contains water that can help you stay hydrated. Plus, they are filled with fiber that gives many health benefits. Make your self a healthy fruit salad for snack instead of a chocolate bar. Choose your fruits carefully though; control the amount of bananas, grapes and pineapples because they are high in fructose. Go for apples, oranges, all sorts of berries and grapefruit because they are low GI carbs and they packed full with anti oxidants.

Lose Face Fat Step 3: Reduce the alcohol

It does not matter what alcohol you drink. Wine, brandy or beer, alcohol is still alcohol. Alcohol can cause a good amount of bloating in the body because it really dehydrates the body. It can also add inches in you belly and under your chin because one gram of alcohol contains seven calories! That is almost like drinking fat! A five ounce glass of wine has 100 calories, that means a little drinking a little bit can add inches in your waist.

Lose Face Fat Step 4: Bump up the calcium

A lot of studies have proven that taking at least 1200 milligrams of calcium from dairy if possible daily can help in fat loss. There is also a study that showed that half of the females in that study experienced reduced symptoms of PMS including water retention after consuming 1200 milligrams of calcium. So, do not eliminate dairy in your diet, have some in moderation.

Lose Face Fat Step 5: Calories out more than calories in.

This is the golden rule of fat loss. In order to lose weight, you have burn more calories than you consume. So, the easy and healthy way to do this is to burn 250 calories and reduce 250 calories from your food intake. The reason to reduce 500 calories a day is because we need to hit a reduction of 3500 calories a week and that will result to healthy recommended weight loss of one pound of body fat per week.
To burn 250 calories, just go for a simple walk or jog for 30 to 40 minutes. To reduce 250 calories, just eliminate all the junk food and excess fatty foods from your diet right now and I am sure you can reduce 250 calories. Eat healthy and eat with a mind to feed your muscles and body with good fuel!

Lose Face Fat Step 6: Control Your Salt Intake

Salt is another culprit of water retention. That is why when you snack with junk food that is high in sodium, you will feel every thirsty and your face will bloat up the next day. Avoid foods like pizza, burgers, junk food, chips and other similar foods because they are loaded with salt! When eating out, be careful of the gravy, some gravy use a lot of salt. Eat home and prepare your own food when ever possible! Sprinkle your salt, do not use your spoon, that way you can really control the amount of salt that goes into your food!

Lose Face Fat Step 7: Go For Weight Training

You have to weight train to maintain and increase lean muscle tissue. With more muscles packed in your body, your metabolism will increase and you can burn more calories and fat! Plus, with more muscles in your body, you can burn more calories while you do your cardio and even while rest because muscles are living tissues and require calories to function and survive! For optimum fat loss results and to lose fat on your face, you have to diet, do your cardio and also weight train.

So, if you want to lose fat on your face, the main objective is to lose weight. By losing body fat, you will look much leaner and have a much more cut features because fat and water under the skin is reduced.

So follow these simple steps and get on a fat loss program now. Mark my words; if you manage to lose body fat until your desired body fat, your face will look much leaner and thinner. Even your nose will look sharper!

Natural Tips for Fair Complexion

All want to have a fair face, but only few are blessed to have a really fair complexion. But, do not let worry dominate your mindscape. You do not have to splurge a lot of money in the beauty parlours to get fairer skin or buying expensive fairness cream. The only thing you need to buy a good sunscreen (SPF 30+) before stepping out of home, and when you are at home, it is necessary to wear sun block (SPF 15). You can get fair skin at home by using the products which are available in your kitchen.
1.Make a paste by mixing papaya, honey, milk. Apply on face and leave for a few minutes and then wash it.

2.Make a paste with some sandalwood powder,green turmeric paste and rose-water. Apply this paste on your face and let it dry completely. After that, rinse your face with cool water. Use it daily.

3.Smash a piece of apple, mix it with milk and boil it. apply the paste to your face which instantly increases your complexion and soft ur skin. 

4.Soak 4 almonds in 2 teaspoon of milk all day. At night, make a fine paste out of it and apply this paste on your face before going to bed, keep overnight. In the morning, wash it off with cold water. Do this every day for 15 days, and then do it twice a week.

5.Applying a paste of sandalwood powder or turmeric powder with few drops of honey, rosewater & lemon juice on your skin can also brighten your skin complexion.

6.Apply yogurt on your face , let it dry then wash off. This makes skin brighter.

7.Make a paste with 1 teaspoon yogurt, few drops of honey & lemon apply this pack all over your face and keep for 30 minutes. Then wash off.

8.Add 2 tsp apple juice to 1 tsp honey & apply your face .Leave it for 15 minutes, then wash with cold water. Because honey moisturizes your skin & apple removes the dryness & makes it appear shinier.

9.Mix together 2 spoonful of honey and 1 banana together and apply it around the neck and face area, leave for approx 15 minutes then wash it off. Immediately results will appear giving the applied areas a healthy glow. This is a great face mask that is a great alternative to moisturizers and tightens the skin.

10.To have good complexion we need to eat lots of fruits and vegetable. We should avoid fried food. And one thing which is very much important would be drinking plenty of water(at least 9-10 glasses of water everyday). Water removes the toxins that deposits and cause black heads and pimples.